Church is not a place to go or an event we attend; it is a people to whom we belong, and this belonging is built on a mutually recognized commitment to Jesus and each other. This commitment to each other is typically called church membership.


Don’t think of a club that you join for its benefits or services. Think of the relationship between an individual Christian and a body of believers (Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26). To be a member of a church is to be vitally connected, like a limb (member) to a body. Membership is about committing yourself to the good of body, and that body commits itself to your own good.


In a world that is opposed to God and His people, we need one another, not just to “attend services”, but to help each other stay faithful to Jesus (Hebrews 10:23-25). Church membership is an intentional commitment to provide care, oversight, and encouragement for one another.

If you are interested in partnering with Lebanon Baptist Church in membership:

  1. Attend Lebanon 101, a 6-week interactive class that provides an overview of who we are, what we believe, and how we seek to follow Jesus together.

  2. Once you have completed the class, you’ll be invited to fill out an application.

  3. When we receive your application, we’ll schedule a time for you to meet with some of our members. This will give us a chance to get to know you a bit more, and allow you to ask any additional questions you may have.