Lebanon Baptist church

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This information has been adapted from The Art of Neighboring.

It’s kind of difficult to love your neighbors if you don’t know them. So, here’s a simple tool to help you get started in evaluating how well you know your neighbors.

Take the “who is my neighbor” test using the Block Map.

Instructions for using the Block Map

  1. Write the names of the people who live in the house represented by the box. If you can give first and last names, that’s great.

  2. Write down some relevant information about each person that you couldn’t see just by standing in your driveway. This is information you know because you’ve spoken to that person once or twice. These aren’t facts that you can observe from the comfort of your house. This is information you have gathered from actually speaking to a neighbor.

  3. Write down some in-depth information you would know after connecting with people. This could include career plans, family dreams, or even life purpose. This is learning of their worldview, personal motivations, spiritual thoughts, understanding of church, etc. Write down anything meaningful that you’ve learned by interacting with them.


The Gospel is the message that God uses to save people. It is the foundation for reaching out to our neighbors in genuine love. If we are going to live a life that both displays and declares the good news of Jesus, we need to be sure that we have a good understanding of what that good news actually is all about.


Think of these as a set of 4 “hooks” on which to hang your thoughts. They will help anchor your thoughts and guide you through conversations about the Gospel.

Memorize key verses to communicate the main points of the Gospel message:  GOD | MAN | CHRIST | RESPONSE

  • GOD: Loving Creator and Righteous Ruler (Genesis 1:1; Revelation 4:11)

  • MAN: Rebellious Creature and Condemned Sinner (Romans 3:10-12; Hebrews 9:27)

  • CHRIST: Sinless Substitute and Risen Lord (1 Peter 3:18; Philippians 2:9-11)

  • RESPONSE: Submission (repentance) and Dependence (faith) (Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:8-9)

Click here to view a simple presentation of the Gospel

Learn to present the Gospel using a couple of different methods.

Here are just a few of the ways to present the Gospel. Each one has a unique way of communicating the same truths. Some of these methods are illustrated and available in print, online, or even applications for your smartphone or tablets. Others are based on presenting and explaining the Biblical text. By becoming comfortable with a few different methods, you will be able to adapt your Gospel conversations to the particular needs of individuals.


  • Christianity Explored
    This is a website dedicated to helping people understand from the Bible who Jesus is, why He came, and what it means to follow Him.

  • What Is the Gospel? (Greg Gilbert)
    A short, simple, and informative read on the key aspects of the Gospel message. You will not only grow in your understanding of how to share the Gospel, but also be equipped to answer questions and objections related to the Bible’s central message.