Beginning February 27, we will be dividing our men and women up into two special classes on Sundays. We would love to see each of our members commit to learning together in this way for a few weeks this Spring. Below are the details for the classes. Click here to download the audio recordings of these classes.
This study is based on the book, Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women.
It’s obvious that we live in a world that either objectifies women or tries to get rid of gender-distinction altogether. Unfortunately, much of our Christian culture has tended to devalue and overlook women. But what does the Bible say about the value of women?
Beginning from Genesis and working all the way through the storyline of the Bible, we will discover just how significant and essential women are to God’s purposes in this world. Our goal is that the men of LBC see the value, place, and calling of women that will encourage you to cherish and honor your sisters in Christ for God’s glory.
February 27 – The Worth of Women in the Creation, Fall, and Promise
March 6 – The Worth of Women in Jesus’ Birth Life & Ministry
March 13 – Missions Emphasis Weekend (No class)
March 20 – The Worth of Women in Jesus’ Death & Resurrection
March 27 – The Worth of Women in The Early Church
April 3 – The Worth of Women in the Church Today
April 10 – How Should We Then Live?
Does this paraphrase of Philippians 4:10 describe you? “…for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be [dis]content.”
What are the deepest desires of your life? Do you know how your earthly longings impact your desire for God? Have you grown complacent in having a covetous heart? Most of us would think not, but …
Join us as we explore our habits of discontentment and learn how faith in Jesus Christ fuels our contented trust in a good God who graciously gives us all that we need!
February 27 – Contentment
March 6 – Source of our Contentment: Christ Himself
March 13 – Missions Emphasis Weekend
March 20 – Enemies of our Contentment: Disordered Desires for seasons, circumstances, and family
March 27 – Enemies of our Contentment: Disordered Desires for relationships, friendships, and beauty
April 3 – Enemies of our Contentment: Disordered Desires for money and possessions
April 10 – Feeding our satisfaction in Christ through meditation, study of the Word, and true worship